Taichi First Steps

Posted on January 20, 2023
Tags: λ

As I delved into the fascinating world of differentiable physics, I stumbled upon a gem of a language called Taichi. Its ability to effortlessly bring GPU programming to Python caught my attention and I was instantly hooked.

Warning: the post is a bit long!

The case for Taichi

In the world of ML, Python is king. Now, Python has lot of nice things, but performance is a known pain-point of the language since its inception. There’s been no shortage of work-arounds and solutions to this problem, from offloading to C/Fortran (which is what earlier solutions like numpy, scipy and cython did, but also Tensorflow and Pytorch) to more elaborate JIT strategies (such as Numba and PyPy). In fact, there was even an attempt to overthrow Python altogether and go in a “numeric-centric” approach: a nice language named Julia. Now, I won’t go into this language now but let me just say that while it has a lot of great ideas, it didn’t completely stick: the ML people love their Python and they just won’t leave such a massive ecosystem for an unknown, albeit promising, alternative.

Taichi’s creator Yuanming Hu seemingly didn’t make that mistake and presents a new language under the guise of a library and set of decorators (much like Tensorflow does btw). Taichi, essentially, is a compiled language with a syntax almost entirely equal to that of Python that lets you do automatic differentiation and GPU computation (among other high-performance related features).

I must say, I am impressed with the language.

The Julia set

Julia sets are a type of fractal particularly interesting for paralellization since the computations for each point in the complex plane are independent from each other. They are beautiful once rendered and easy to understand and implement. Taichi’s hello world example is exactly this, a code that I reproduce here with minimal changes.

Let’s recall the definition of a Julia set:

$$ \begin{aligned} \left\{z \in \mathbb C : \forall n \in \mathbb N, |f_c^n(z)| \le R \right\}. \end{aligned} $$

This definition essentially reads: for a complex number c, if the sequence defined by iteratively applying the function fc(z) to itself converges for a given z means that z is in the set. The funcion fc(z) can be any (non-constant) holomorphic function, but the classic choice is z2 + c.

In practice, there’s a radius over which the sequence is known to diverge (R = 2) and therefore a maximum number of iterations is set: if the sequence has not diverged after this number of iterations, then you consider it as a point of the set. For aesthetic reasons, for those points that diverge, a color is assigned based on how many iterations they took to diverge.

Now that we have a brief introduction on the problem, let’s write the program that will compute it.

import taichi as ti
import taichi.math as tm


Initially, we import taichi, taichi.math and initialize the Taichi backend, telling it to run on the GPU. Just like that, we are going to compile code for our graphics card, no CUDA needed.

n = 320
pixels = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(n * 2, n))

Next, define a simple costant for image size (n=320 means that we will compute a 640×320 image) and a taichi field, a data structure that more or less represents a nd array or a tensor, although =field=s also have information about their layout (this means that you can have a lot of granularity over how the data is represented in memory and seen by the processor, allowing for advanced performance insights).

def complex_square(z):  # complex square of a 2D vector
    return tm.vec2(z[0] * z[0] - z[1] * z[1], 2 * z[0] * z[1])

We define the operation of squaring complex numbers (here assuming they are represented by a struct with 2 elements), as we will need it to compute the sequence. Notice a couple of things: the @ti.func decorator, and tm.vec2 (from the previous taichi.math import).

By decorating a python function with @ti.func you are in fact swapping languages and defining a Taichi function. Taichi functions are procedures to be used inside Taichi kernels, (or inside other Taichi functions), and not in regular python code. In other words: this function is no longer a python function. Another thing: Taichi functions can be nested, but are not allowed to be called recursively. Additionally, the use of tm.vec2 reveals anoter taichi function, in particular a constructor of vectors.

def paint(t: float):
    for i, j in pixels:  # Parallelized over all pixels
        c = tm.vec2(0.7885 * tm.cos(t), 0.7885 * tm.sin(t))
        z = tm.vec2(i / n - 1, j / n - 0.5) * 2
        iterations = 0
        while z.norm() < 20 and iterations < 50:
            z = complex_square(z) + c
            iterations += 1
            pixels[i, j] = 1 - iterations * 0.02

This function, as you might notice, is using a for loop (a big no-no in python, usually) to compute the sequence of complex numbers. There is a lot to unpack here, so brace yourselves.

First, let’s start with the function logic itself: it takes a float parameter, t, and for each element of the pixels field defines the constant c that will define that particular Julia set (with some fancyness such as using the sine and cosine which, again, are Taichi functions); then defines the initial complex number z of the sequence, and goes on to compute the sequence, check if it diverges and update pixels using the number of iterations the sequence endured without diverging (up to 50). A value of z taking up 50 iterations without diverging (thus pertaining to the Julia set) will appear as completely black, a value of z diverging in the zeroth iteration will be completely white; anything in between will be some sade of gray.

You might notice the use of tm.vec2 again: as said, this is a Taichi constructor (function) for a struct with 2 fields, and therefore can only be used inside a kernel. Which brings us to the meaty part: the decorator @ti.kernel itself. Taichi kernels are the entry points to the real (compiled) Taichi, and they must follow two important rules:

  • Kernels have to be type hinted (both their arguments and their return type).
  • Kernels cannot be nested.

Since they are the entry points, you can call them anywhere in the python program (unlike functions which can only be called from inside kernels). More importantly, notice how the for loop iterates over i, j like it was a list of tuples: this is a key aspect of using Taichi field=s and of Taichi kernels; kernels /automatically parallelize their outermost scope loop/ and by using =for i, j in myfield:, you are telling Taichi “the indices i and j of my field can be computed independently”, which makes Taichi parallelize over both of them. This is really powerful.

gui = ti.GUI("Julia Set", res=(n * 2, n))

This part is simple, but also marvelous: just call ti.GUI and a window with the specified resolution is created for you. I find this very convenient because, while you can of course create animations with matplotlib without much complication, it can get tedious pretty fast; whereas using Taichi’s graphical capabilities is immediate.

τ = 6.28318530718
max_iter = 1_000_000
for i in range(max_iter):
    paint(i * τ/(n-1))

Iterate a million times over the pixel data structure. That is a million Julia sets being computed on your GPU, with no need to do anything special (other than coding using for loops in python, finally), and it does so in a breeze.

As for the results, there’s a nice gif:

Julia set for c in 0.7885\exp(a i).

The gif can be easily generated adding a couple (or maybe 4) lines to our code:

gui = ti.GUI("Julia Set", res=(n * 2, n))
video_manager = ti.tools.VideoManager(
    output_dir="./results/julia/", framerate=24, automatic_build=False
for i in range(max_iter):

video_manager.make_video(gif=True, mp4=True)

The Gray-Scott equations

Let’s now solve a more interesting problem: the Gray-Scott model of reaction-diffusion systems. Reaction-diffusion systems are systems in which two (or more) chemical reactives are allowed to flow through a medium at the same time as they react. They are important for describing the occurence of natural patterns in animals. The equations are:

$$ \begin{aligned} \partial{u}{t} &= r_u\Delta u - uv^2 + f(1-u) \\ \partial{v}{t} &= r_v\Delta v + uv^2 - (f + k) v. \end{aligned} $$

You might notice the term uv2, which seems somewhat arbitrary. It is not: it corresponds to the chemical equation U + 2V → 3U between the chemicals. As for the rest of the equation: u and v are the concentrations of the reactives, f and k are the feed and kill rate (the rate at which U is introduced into the system, and V is transformed into a third, inert, component – effectively disappearing), ri are the diffusivity parameters (how easily each reactant spreads through the medium), and we of course have the laplacian Δ of each of the concentrations which causes the diffusion of chemicals.

In this case, we are going to solve them using Taichi.

Original numpy code

Our starting point will be this old code of mine written entirely using numpy to see how it evolves.

# gray_scott_np.py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def evolve(domain):
    domain_ = np.pad(domain, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)), "wrap")
    u = domain[0, :, :]
    v = domain[1, :, :]
    r = u * v * v

    laplacian = (
        0.25 * domain_[:, 1:-1, :-2]
        + 0.25 * domain_[:, 1:-1, 2:]
        + 0.25 * domain_[:, :-2, 1:-1]
        + 0.25 * domain_[:, 2:, 1:-1]
        - domain
    du = τ * 1.0 * laplacian[0, :, :] - r + γ * (1 - u)
    dv = τ * 0.5 * laplacian[1, :, :] + r -+ k) * v
    return domain + np.stack((du, dv), 0)

def center_square(M, l=10):
    _, n, m = M.shape
    n //= 2
    m //= 2
    return slice(n - l, n + l), slice(m - l, m + l)

τ = 0.8388  # can't quite remember why this was needed.
γ, k = 0.024, 0.055
resol = 256

domain = np.zeros((2, resol, resol))
domain[0, :, :] = 1
idx1, idx2 = center_square(domain, 10)
domain[1, idx1, idx2] = 1

for i in range(10000):
    domain = evolve(domain)

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))

Porting to Taichi

As with the Julia code, import taichi and initialize on the GPU. I will also define the resolution of the system (a small change: instead of using resol and defining a square domain, I will now use width and height in case I want to use rectangular domains).

import taichi as ti
import taichi.math as tm
import numpy as np


# resolution of the problem
W, H = 256, 256
# for initialization purposes
np_grid = np.zeros((W, H, 2), dtype=np.float32)
np_grid[:, :, 0] = 1.0  # Reactant H = 1.0 in all domain initially.
# square with reactant V = 1.0 in the middle of the domain
np_grid[(W // 2 - 10) : (W // 2 + 10), (H // 2 - 10) : (H // 2 + 10), 1] = 1.0

There is a np_grid array being defined. In fact, this is the only thing we need numpy for now: initialization. Note that I could just use a kernel to do exactly the same, however, I prefer to demonstrate the ability of Taichi of being initialized using numpy arrays.

I need to define the problem domain as a Taichi field. Since there are 2 components for each point in the field, the construct Vector is useful here (even if this is not a truly vectorial magnitude). Taichi fields support scalar fields, vector fields, matrix fields and struct fields.

domain = ti.Vector.field(n=2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=(W, H))

When computing Julia sets the problem was embarrassingly paralel and we needed to do nothing special to solve it because each point’s sequence was completely independent of each other. However, because we are solving a PDE here, this problem has a temporal dependence and we can’t update the field as we compute the next time step, or else we would spoil the computations of other points that will mix the future and the present state of the system. Instead, we define a secondary Vector field that will hold the “future” state of the system as we integrate one state, then update the domain by copying this field into the other.

# auxiliary field for PDE solving
future = ti.Vector.field(n=2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=(W, H))

Also, because we are dealing with fields that are not simply scalars, I will define another auxiliary field that we will use for plotting. Essentially, it will map vectors to scalars that will be plotted by Taichi’s GUI as a grayscale raster. If we wanted colors, we should define it as another Vector field (4d for RGB+alpha).

# used for rendering
pixels = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(W, H))

Now, let’s define the constants of the problem. I have changed them wrt the numpy code, as the system is very sensitive to these constants, and they are very computation-dependant, i.e. if this code runs quicker then the relationships between these variables vary and the previous values give a completely different behaviour. It would require extra work to make the computation robust.

# Define constants
r_u: float = 0.250
r_v: float = r_u / 2  # 0.080
feed: float = 0.040
kill: float = 0.062

I have decided to define the laplacian as a Taichi function to make code more readable.

def laplacian(i: int, j: int):
    """Compute the laplacian of a point identified by i and j.

    This Taichi function simply computes the discrete laplacian over a regular grid by
    using finite differences.

    i : int
        reference to the first index of the point in the grid.
    j : int
        reference to the second intex of the point in the grid
    return (
        domain[i + 1, j]
        + domain[i, j + 1]
        + domain[i - 1, j]
        + domain[i, j - 1]
        - domain[i, j] * 4.0

Now the meaty part: kernels. In the numpy version of the code, we used a function named evolve to solve the equations; this function is now (unurprisingly) a Taichi kernel. Additionally, another kernel was defined for rendering, i.e.: transforming values of our domain into colors (or in this simple case, grayscale sclars).

Let’s do first the render one:

def render():
    """Differently to a scalar field, vector fields need to be processed a bit for them
    to be paintable."""
    for i, j in domain:
        # paint just the V concentration.
        pixels[i, j] = domain[i, j][1]

which is very simple as you can see. Nevertheless, making it a bit more sphisticated in order to use full RGB colors is easy, if verbose.

For the evolve kernel, the code is really similar to the previous version: the main changes are that it no longer has an argument, neither does it return anything, and there is a couple for loops: one to solve the equation and one to update the domain for the next timestep.

def evolve():
    """Integrate one timestep of the discretized Gray-Scott equation.

    Define a Taichi kernel to compute the next state of the system. Uses Explicit Euler
    to integrate.
    for i, j in domain:
        uv = domain[i, j]
        reaction = uv[0] * uv[1] * uv[1]
        Δ = laplacian(i, j)
        du = r_u * Δ[0] - reaction + feed * (1 - uv[0])
        dv = r_v * Δ[1] + reaction - (feed + kill) * uv[1]
        # instead of returning, update in place (returning would get us outside
        # of the GPU)
        uv_1 = uv + 0.5 * tm.vec2(du, dv)
        future[i, j] = uv_1

    for I in ti.grouped(domain):
        domain[I] = future[I]

The code is not a 1:1 translation of course, but it is very similar. A new concept here: ti.grouped. It simply allows your code to be less verbose by grouping all indices into a single object (that implements operators such as sum or integer division). Imagine having a 4d field: instead of using my_array[i,j,k,l] = ... you could write my_array[i] = ... It’s purely syntactic sugar.

Very little remains: just write a main() function to run the simulation and manage the GUI. You will notice the substeps variable. This is a trick I got from this blog post by the creator of Taichi which also solves these equations; I think it accelerates the code by evolving the system several timesteps at before painting.

Note: at first I was convinced of it, but then I discovered that my code was going slow not because of the lack of this trick but because generating the GIF slows the process overall, so now I am not so sure.

def main():
    gui = ti.GUI("Gray Scott", res=(W, H))
    substeps: int = 60  # 1
    result_dir = "./results/reaction_diffusion/"
    # VideoManager let's me create gifs easily.
    video_manager = ti.tools.VideoManager(output_dir=result_dir, framerate=24, automatic_build=False)
    while not gui.get_event(ti.GUI.ESCAPE, ti.GUI.EXIT):
        # If we compute each time we render, the system evolves very slowly.
        # By evolving the equation 60 times before rendering, we accelerate the real
        # time evolution.
        for _ in range(substeps):

    video_manager.make_video(gif=False)  # output as mp4 that will be converted to gif later

# wrapping thing into `if __name__=="__main__"` prevents the function from being
# executed if we call `ti run` (my preferred method to run taichi code) in the command
# line, because that way this file is no longer "__main__".

The results can be seen here:

Reaction diffusion partial differential equation.


The code could be improved in many ways (e.g. use a better integrator), although I want to focus in refactoring the code using Taichi’s OOP capabilities; and also add a color palette to the plot. Also, I will be using a single field (with an extra dimension) like Yuanming does in his post for the management of the two temporal steps we need in the code; and do a small change to the GUI usage (mainly, use canvas).

In order to not clutter this blog post even more, I’m going to just link the github repo where you can see the final version.

Concluding remarks

The Taichi language is, at first, a bit hard to get used to (years of programming “the numpy way” created sticky habits), but often you understand a couple concepts (namely fields and kernels) and get used to writing for loops again, you quickly start doing more and more.

I, however, expected the switch to be smoother; I ended up spending quite a few hours on this (although most of the time was changing/perfecting small things). But the language is kind-of addictive in the sense that it feels like magic: code that previously ran at 30 FPS now is blazing fast and you end up wanting to try out more and more things; more simulation code, and maybe explore the autodiff capabilities writing some neural network code.

That said, the overall experience is that you get a lot in terms of computing power for very little hassle; however, these code snippets are fairly simple. I’m very interested now in how this Taichi code would scale to larger, complex projects and how easy would it be to manage said complexity (which is what programming really is all about).

Finally, my personal opinion: I had fun coding (very important!), the language makes me want to try new things, test and write low-level algorithms by myself (that otherwise would be lazy to do), and fits into Python very well. It seems like a nice tool to have and I will definetively have it in my tech radar.